UPDATE: All new featured RV tours will be posted on my other website, Wanderful RV Interiors. Existing tours will slowly be moved to the new website, and anything already moved will automatically redirect.

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It may be February, and I may live in Georgia, but we actually got some snow last night! I love winter but have to admit that I am more than ready for spring, warmer weather, and bright colors. I’m going to work getting some old projects posted here and today I’m sharing a quick post about my DIY fabric pinboard.

This certainly isn’t a new idea but I wanted to create something for my office that could bring in some fun colors, kinda act as art, and yet be functional at the same time.  It’s crazy to think I posted this pic on Instagram 12 months ago! Where does the time go?

Looking for a quick and easy way to get things on track? Organize your thoughts and ideas with a DIY Fabric Pinboard! MountainModernLife.com

You may have caught a glimpse of it when I shared my wood slice thumbtacks or creative office.

It all started with a thrifted corkboard I came across:


DIY Fabric Pinboard

I knew it would be perfect and loved how large it was. You can also find large corkboards at most craft shops including Hobby Lobby or JoAnn’s, and then use a coupon to get them around the same price.




Staple Gun

Upholstery Nails {or thumbtacks}




The amount of fabric and upholstery nails will obviously depend on the size of your corkboard but I used 1 yard and about 350 nails. I could have used fewer nails if I had spaced them apart more, and I should have used a spacer but I got impatient and just winged it. So my nails are not completely straight or perfect, but I still love how it turned out 🙂

I found this fun and cheerful fabric while browsing Hancock Fabric and happily snatched it up, using a 40% off coupon. It’s not something I would usually pick but I thought it was perfect for my creative space.


how-to-make-a-diy-fabric-pinboard-upcycledtreasuresThe first thing I did was iron out my fabric. Afterward, I wrapped it around the corkboard, making sure to pull the edges tight and used my staple gun to attach it. You could always spray some adhesive down first to help the fabric stick and not shift. I then cut off any of the excess fabric.

I originally thought I would just use thumbtacks along the border but had a few upholstery nails on hand so when I compared them next to the thumbtacks, I preferred how they looked. This meant I had to go back to the store to pick up some more packages. Upholstery nails cost a little more than thumbtacks, but I just like how they pop off the board a little more. You could use whichever you prefer and could even spray paint your thumbtacks first if you wanted like I did with my ampersand art.

upholstery-nails-for-diy-fabric-pinboard-upcycledtreasuresI’d recommend using a spacer to get all of the nails even but I became impatient and just started sticking them in along the framed part of the corkboard. You can use your thumb or resort to a mallet if your thumb starts to hurt.

The upholstery nails did stick out through the back of the corkboard so you may want to put a piece of foam board over the back so no one gets poked. Since this is hanging on the wall and you can’t see the back I just left it as is.

Here is my fabric pinboard all hung up in my office.


diyers-craft-room-and-creative-workspace-upcycledtreasures copy



So what do you think?

I love how it brings color to my office and I can pin all kinds of inspiration to it. If you are looking for a fun way to organize your thoughts or ideas, I’d definitely recommend making a DIY fabric pinboard.


  1. I love the fabric you chose and the nail heads! I’ve been wanting to do a similar project too. 😉 Thanks for linking up to The Creative Circle.

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