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Sometimes all it takes is a little imagination to transform something we like, into something we love.

Back before we even moved into the RV I was trying to figure out what to do for a coffee table. I wanted something rustic but was unsure about weight or how to store it when we travel. Gotta love the challenges of RV life, eh?

Reimagined RV Coffee Table

I originally wanted a couple Southwestern poufs but the ones I LOVED were more than I wanted to spend at the time. So when I came across a couple folding ottomans on sale that doubled as storage and extra seating, I was sold.

Reimagined RV coffee table - Be inspired to transform something you like, into something you love! MountainModernLife.com

They may not have been my style, but they were lightweight, functional, could be folded flat, and most importantly would give us a place to prop our feet when lounging on the sofa.

I wasn’t even sure how we would use the space so I was okay with getting something temporary that we could upgrade later. You may have seen these in our previous tours, although they are generally covered up with a cozy blanket.

Fast forward to a few months ago when I came across a folding coffee table I knew would be perfect for our RV. It’s pretty exciting to see more stylish collapsible furniture becoming available since I felt like it was slim pickings back when we were planning our RV renovation.

Reimagined RV coffee table - Be inspired to transform something you like, into something you love! MountainModernLife.com

Our ottomans served us well but I was ready for a change. I wasn’t looking for a coffee table at the time but this one was sturdy, lightweight, and the right dimensions. I must have walked away and gone back to that table more than I’d like to admit. Eventually, it was in my cart.

This was a little odd for me since I really try to consider my purchases and only buy what I need or love, but the clearance price tag had me all kinds of confused.

Before checking out I did a quick search online to see if I could maybe find a similar folding leg mechanism for less but wasn’t having any luck. Seeing the price more than double online for the same table (and most being sold out), I made my decision. Besides, I could always return it if it didn’t work out, right?

Ultimately, I loved how it fit in our RV and it was nice to have a change, but I really wasn’t feeling the top. It just felt a tad too cold. I even attempted to paint it a darker brown color, which I think made it worse. In my defense, I was sick when I did the paint job so I probably wasn’t thinking clearly and to be honest I’m not even sure how I got it done, haha. I apparently got tired of being stuck in bed all week and stumbled into the living room looking for something to do.

That’s when I thought it would be fun to reimagine the top into something more rustic, something with just a bit more character. Luckily, Eric was on board so we got to work. I’m honestly just happy he doesn’t give me crazy looks for wanting to change things anymore.

Reimagined RV coffee table - Be inspired to transform something you like, into something you love! MountainModernLife.com

Now I’ll admit that many people, maybe even you, may think the change is subtle or probably prefer the before, and that’s okay! I really liked it too, just not so much in our space. I personally love the after so much more, even though it’s not perfect. And while it may not translate well on camera, it really does add more character and depth to our RV living room vs. the other top.

Reimagined RV coffee table - Be inspired to transform something you like, into something you love! MountainModernLife.com

True Confession and Updated Photos

This project didn’t go as smoothly as we hoped – mainly we slipped up with the jigsaw, which made the table look a bit sloppy and crooked. Oops.

While you can see how we created a more rustic top for the table using shiplap in the video above you may notice in updated posts that the table looks different.

It was much easier the second time because I just used our nailgun to attach tongue and groove planked wood to one side of the original tabletop, then cut off the excess with our jigsaw. I then painted the other side matte black. so now we have a table top that can be flipped depending on what I want to show – planked wood or black. While it still has it’s imperfections, I definitely think it looks MUCH better than the one we show in the video!

Reimagined Coffee Table for Rustic Modern Motorhome | MountainModernLife.com

Reimagined Coffee Table for Rustic Modern Motorhome | MountainModernLife.com

I realize you may not have the same table or be able to complete the exact same project, but hope this post can serve as inspiration for you to make a change to something you currently have but don’t necessarily love. That doesn’t mean you have to go and buy something you don’t love, in fact, I would generally advise against that. With that said, if you do buy something and later realize it doesn’t work, that doesn’t mean you can’t change it!

I’d still love to eventually have some rustic poufs to replace the ottomans (we really don’t need the extra storage), but who knows when that will be and I’m really enjoying this table for now.

When it comes to furniture in a tiny space, you’ll soon discover function often beats form, but if you can blend the two you’ve got a real winner!

Do you use a coffee table or an alternative option in your tiny space? Tell us about it in the comments below!

Folding Coffee Tables

Looking for a folding coffee table for your home? Here are some options you may want to check out! If putting one inside a camper you may want to double check the weight.

Looking for RV or travel inspiration? You can find all of our RV-related posts here and don’t forget to check out our RV toursDecor Resources, and YouTube Channel! Curious about how we make money on the road? Click here.

Reimagined RV coffee table - Be inspired to transform something you like, into something you love! MountainModernLife.com
Reimagined RV coffee table - Be inspired to transform something you like, into something you love! MountainModernLife.com
Reimagined RV coffee table - Be inspired to transform something you like, into something you love! MountainModernLife.com