UPDATE: All new featured RV tours will be posted on my other website, Wanderful RV Interiors. Existing tours will slowly be moved to the new website, and anything already moved will automatically redirect.
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Wow, it’s been a while, eh? I’m so happy to announce that The Makers Link Party is back in session after taking a 3 week break for the holidays. I don’t know about you, but I’m still finding it difficult to get back into a rhythm.
I’ve been doing lots of cleaning these past few days to get my craft room/office back to a useable space, because I’m hoping it will help me create more balance when it comes to working. For a while I have been working from of our {extremely large} master bedroom so that I could continue to work in the evenings while Eric watched a movie, and it would seem like we were still “hanging out”, haha. However, all that did was make it more difficult to differentiate work from relaxation time and this year I’m going to focus more on balance and being healthier, which means not working 24/7. So I’m happy to officially be back in my creative workspace this week, woo-hoo!
I also have quite the list of DIY projects I’d love to tackle but am also trying to figure out how to balance that with my invitation shop, which has kept me quite busy lately. I feel so blessed to be doing what I love, and know I will eventually figure it all out 🙂
Anyway, I can’t wait to see what all of my fellow bloggers have been up to, so let’s get this party started!
By the way, if you are new here, a link party is essentially a place where bloggers can share a thumbnail image and link to their recent projects, which is a great way to gain exposure. However, it’s not just for bloggers because this is also an awesome resource to find project inspiration and discover new blogs!
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Hello beautiful! I always love stopping by at your fabulous party. Please stop by our party. We would really appreciate it. Happy Tuesday! Lou Lou Girls
Lovely party and features! Thank you for hosting. Have a great week~