UPDATE: All new featured RV tours will be posted on my other website, Wanderful RV Interiors. Existing tours will slowly be moved to the new website, and anything already moved will automatically redirect.
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Easter is this weekend and we have some fantastic features this week that include Easter-inspired printables, projects, and recipes! Of course, today is also bittersweet because we are celebrating week 59 of The Makers and as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, The Maker’s Link party will sadly come to an end on week 60.
Since next week is our last week we have decided not to have a link-up this week. We are still sharing a super talented featured blogger, along with additional featured projects, but no actual linking up.
However, next week is going to be tons of fun because we will be sharing some of our favorite projects shared over the past 59 weeks AND will also be hosting an awesome GIVEAWAY!
So be sure to check out this week’s featured blogger along with the featured projects and we hope to see you back here next week!
Follow Your Hosts
Not only does Sarah share easy to follow DIY projects, but she also has some incredibly inspiring mood boards, FREE printables, and helpful design tips. She truly is the bee’s knees, and you will likely find yourself going from one post to the next in awe of all the wonderful eye candy!
Here is a small sampling of what you will find when you get there…
How to make your own photo mats || Home Tour || Gallery Wall Reveal
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There were so many fun Easter projects linked up last week that I wanted to share them all, but here are 5 favorites:
Dana from This Silly Gir’s Life shared a recipe for Bunny Bark that not only looks delish, but it looks fun to make too!
Kat & Melinda from Home Made Interest shared an easy tutorial on how you can create this 3D Easter bunny banner using scrapbook paper and twine.
Katie from The Casual Craftlete is sharing a healthier alternative to traditional carrot cake, with her carrot cake cookies. I can’t wait to try these!
Looking for some gift tags for those Easter baskets and goodies? Kelly from Live Laugh Rowe has got you covered with her FREE vintage-inspired gift tags!
Planning to design an Easter card or invitation? Be sure to check out these adorable FREE Easter dingbats from Designed by Miss Mandee.
<div align="center"><a href="https://mountainmodernlife.com" title="upcycledtreasures"><img src="https://images-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-PvA676j8Z7Y%2FVFc_5uL3azI%2FAAAAAAAAIxk%2FY-LBPdOK4JA%2Fs1600%2Fnew%252Bfeatured%252Bbutton.png&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image%2F*" alt="Upcycled Treasures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Thanks so much for featuring me!! I’m completely humbled:) and a big Thank-you for hosting such an awesome party ladies!! So sad to see it come to an end.
Thanks for featuring my Easter Dingbat fonts!! 😀