UPDATE: All new featured RV tours will be posted on my other website, Wanderful RV Interiors. Existing tours will slowly be moved to the new website, and anything already moved will automatically redirect.
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I realize it’s been a few weeks since we posted, and while I’ve given a few updates over social media, I wanted to share a quick life update here, just so you know we’re still alive, haha.
Not gonna lie, it’s been a difficult year. We’ve been challenged in so many ways, but the past week has been pretty amazing. Nothing crazy happened, but our camp hosting gig ended and I now have my teammate, AKA Eric, back full-time. We’ve been able to relax together, work together, cook together, and simply be together without being (or even just worrying about being) interrupted.
We are back to spending the days how we choose, which is why we chose this lifestyle to begin with. We never thought we would camp host, let alone for a year (!) but were so excited when the opportunity arose in an area we fell in love with and believe we were taken on this journey for a reason.
The location and people have been amazing but we both feel like we’ve been paddling upstream for so long, and it feels soooooo nice to finally be going with the current rather than against it. We’ll eventually share our experience for those thinking about camp hosting, but for now, we are just grateful to have each other and the gentle reminder not to take that for granted. And let’s be honest, I’m excited I don’t have to feel awkward about someone knocking on the door on days when I feel like working on my computer in my pajamas with unbrushed hair and no bra (which may or may not happen more often than I’d like to admit).
The main reason we haven’t posted on the website in the past couple of weeks is that on top of projects and custom orders I’ve also been working on a blog/shop re-design, and didn’t want to post anything new until it was moved over. I’ve been wanting to make our site more user-friendly, especially our shop, while keeping the actual design pretty similar to what it is now.
I had hoped to have everything transitioned over by now, but have run into some technical issues along the way. Okay, lots of technical glitches including having to re-setup all of the before/after photos for our Design Vibes series and wonky internet here and there. So yes, the transition is taking longer than anticipated, especially since I’m doing everything myself, but I’m also enjoying the process and trying not to feel like a failure for it taking so long. Instead, I’m trying to focus on how grateful I am to be able to work on my computer without pain or taking a break every 15 minutes. This wouldn’t have been possible a couple months ago, after my health scare and CRPS flare up.
With that said, I really thought everything would be completely moved over by today. Obviously, it’s not. Womp Womp. We have some really amazing camper tours to share with you for our Design Vibes series, but it looks like it may need to wait another week. Until then you can always check out the camper tours we previously posted! (And if you’re interested in being featured, send us an email!)
Since we’ll be traveling in a couple weeks we are also trying to tie up some other loose ends, including moving forward with our Mint Oil collaboration with Eric’s family. This is something we’ve been super excited about, but the timing just hasn’t been right to push forward. If all goes according to plan, we’ll begin taking orders next month, woo-hoo!
Oh and this is very random, but I recently tried the “White Tiger” or “Cinderella Latte” from Starbucks secret menu and thought it was super yummy, perfect for Fall! I read an article about it online (and another here) and while the Barista had no idea what we were talking about, they were able to make the drink which is really just 1 pump pumpkin sauce and 1 pump white mocha (some do 2 pumps each). I definitely recommend it if you’re looking for a less sweet/pumpkin-y latte.
And in case you missed it, we’ve made some updates to our RV kitchen and posted 2 new videos this week, which you can check out below. So we’re still alive and kicking over here, just trying to get more organized so we can become more consistent with sharing updates.
Thanks for following our journey and if you have any questions for us, don’t be afraid to reach out!
Recent Videos: RV Kitchen Updates