UPDATE: All new featured RV tours will be posted on my other website, Wanderful RV Interiors. Existing tours will slowly be moved to the new website, and anything already moved will automatically redirect.
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As you may have noticed, my blog is getting a bit of a makeover. I recently decided to switch hosts which has been SUPER time consuming over the last couple weeks, but I’m happy to report that I was finally able to get this site all moved over, yay! On top of that, I also decided to tweak the design of my site since the theme I was using was no longer being updated, which was giving me some issues, and causing major headaches. No fun.
It may take a few days for me to get everything updated, so I apologize for things being and looking a bit wonky in the meantime. Hopefuly everything will be all cleaned up, pretty, and running smoothly by the end of the week 🙂
I hope you enjoyed your weekend and can’t wait to see what creative endeavors you have been up to. We have some Jaw Dropping party features this week, so let’s get this party started!
Corey @ TinySidekick
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Alexis @ Persia Lou
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Katie @ Upcycled Treasures
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DIY Painted Rug Inspired by West Elm | FREE Printable {from the vault}
Printable Chore Chart for Pre-readers (with pictures) || DIY Reupholstered Bench
And now for the features…
Ok. I know what you are thinking…THAT IS THE FEATURE? No, but this is the before of the most amazing little girl’s room that you have seen in awhile.
I could not pick just one feature photo of this most adorable girl’s room, so you’ll just have to click on over to The Heathered Nest and see for yourself.
And while you are there be sure to check out some of their other fabulous room reveals!
Train Room for a Little Boy || Master Bedroom Reveal
The Heathered Nest on Social Media: Facebook || Google + || Pinterest
Don’t forget that if you want to pin, click through to the original post to pin so you give the fabulous blogger all of the Pinterest love. They worked hard and totally deserve it!
Bre at BrePurposed is one of my faves when it comes to furniture makeovers and I was so excited to see what she did with this little mid century piece! She has some great tips on what stain to use, so if staining is on your to-do list, head over and read about what stain she used.
The only thing cooler than this fabulous wall that actually exists in the Homemade Ginger‘s home is how she dressed up these letters with a simple paint technique for her kid’s play area! If you haven’t seen her kid’s space come together, you need to get over there right now, cause she has some fun ideas (including trash cans that she turned into stools.)
I’ve been on a major summer salad kick and this Summer Squash Salad from Natural Chow might be just what I need to stay on track! Ain’t it purdy? And that can only mean one thing right? It must be delish!
When I first saw these DIY stenciled curtains at Maybe She Made It, I have to admit, I couldn’t believe it. They look so perfect and are gorgeous!
I think Colleen from Lemon Thistle wins the Aunt of the year award for this fun idea! She sends the youngins in her life a little goodie box full of fun back to school supplies via snail mail and even decorates the boxes in a really cute way! What kid (or me) wouldn’t love this?
Don’t forget to grab a button if you were featured!
<div align="center"><a href="http://tinysidekick.com" title="Tiny Sidekick"><img src="http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y491/tinysidekick/woo-hoo-featured-button_zpsad7934b9.png" alt="Tiny Sidekick" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
<div align="center"><a href="http://tinysidekick.com" title="Tiny Sidekick"><img src="http://i1277.photobucket.com/albums/y491/tinysidekick/small-button_zps88139264.png" alt="Tiny Sidekick" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Yay! Thanks so much for the feature Katie 🙂 Good luck on your site work- it’s such a pain but so worth it 🙂
Loving the new look, very modern and professional. I’m sure it’s taking blood sweat and tears to make it happen but the results are lovely.
Thank you so much for the feature, Katie! I’m loving the simplicity of your new blog look 🙂
Thanks so much for hosting, Katie! I LOVE your rug makeover!