UPDATE: All new featured RV tours will be posted on my other website, Wanderful RV Interiors. Existing tours will slowly be moved to the new website, and anything already moved will automatically redirect.
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day and welcome to The Maker’s Link Party! I always look forward to seeing what you have been creating, and it’s difficult not to be inspired when browsing through your projects. However, I do have some news to share first… I am sad to say that The Maker’s Link Party will soon be coming to an end 🙁
We have been going strong for 57 weeks now, and week number 60 will be our very last link party.
Every End is a New Beginning…
In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been struggling with keeping up with both blogs and my wedding shop these past few months, and feel guilty for not putting as much energy into the party as I feel is deserved.
As you know, blogging can quickly turn into a 24/7 job if you let it and I am still struggling to find that balance between doing what I love {aka work} and my personal life, which has practically become non-existent. I almost feel like I’ve been working so hard this past year that I have lost sight of who I am, and am missing out on the experiences in life that continue to shape me into the person I will become.
I don’t know if that makes any sense or if you can relate at all, but I do know that I am beyond excited that I am able to do what I love for a living. I think that’s why the line between work and play gets so fuzzy at times, ya know?
I just need to continue to work on finding balance in my life so I can become a better blogger, designer, wife, friend etc. I’m so excited and grateful to be a part of such an amazing and contagiously creative community, and look forward to all of the opportunities that lie ahead 🙂
I want to thank you so much for linking up with us, sharing your creativity, and for being an inspiration for so many! I’m sad to see The Makers end, but it’s been an awesome experience and I have discovered so many of your blogs because of it.
Okay enough of my rambling, let’s get onto the party and fantastical features!
Follow Your Hosts
<div align="center"><a href="http://persialou.com" title="Persia Lou"><img src="https://images-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-PvA676j8Z7Y%2FVFc_5uL3azI%2FAAAAAAAAIxk%2FY-LBPdOK4JA%2Fs1600%2Fnew%252Bfeatured%252Bbutton.png&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image%2F*" alt="Persia Lou" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
<div align="center"><a href="https://mountainmodernlife.com" title="Upcycled Treasures"><img src="https://images-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F-kEWDRsBwFpw%2FVFc_54aiTqI%2FAAAAAAAAIxo%2FHe7h4QP5qK0%2Fs1600%2Fnewmakersbutton.png&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image%2F*" alt="Upcycled Treasures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
So sad to see this party ending! I’ve loved linking up each week with you ladies but totally understand how you’re feeling. I hope you find the balance you’re looking for and I know you’ve got great things ahead of you! xo
Thank you so much for featuring my range hood! I am so in love with this project and am still amazed at how well it turned out. It’s amazing what you can do with a little paint! 🙂