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If you’re planning a camper renovation but stressing over a limited budget, I hope this tour will show you what can be accomplished when you use what you have and mix in some creativity and determination!

Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com

After purchasing a lakeside cabin not far from their home, Allie and her husband, Ryan, decided to purchase a camper to provide extra space when they have an overflow of guests.

With Ryan still working on the cabin renovation, Allie knew she would need to take on the camper project herself, and that she would need to get it accomplished for under $500.

If modern farmhouse is your thing, you’re going to love browsing through photos of their beautiful home or garage-turned-guesthouse, and it’s fun to see that style translated into this tiny home on wheels!

Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com

Budget-Friendly Farmhouse Camper

Camper renovations are always a good reminder that you can’t judge a book by its cover – you really never know what you’re going to find inside!

What I love about this farmhouse camper is how Allie was able to dive into projects without stressing too much over perfection and that she took advantage of the resources she on hand, including leftover flooring from their cabin remodel and white paint from their home.

She also saved money by spray painting fixtures, using contact film adhesive on the counters, and creating her own slipcovers. In the end, she completed everything herself with the exception of the flooring.

Let’s dive into the tour!

Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com

“I seriously get so excited when I have to have a budget to work with. That in and of itself is inspiring to me! It’s a fun creative challenge to see how much bang I can get for my buck without sacrificing style.”

- Allie @ Proverbs31Girl



Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com

Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com

Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com

Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com

Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com

Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com

Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com


What kind of camper do you have?

We have a 2006 Dutchmen Lite LE

What made you decide to go “tiny”?

We really wanted to have an overflow space for visitors that came to our cabin and small living seemed to fit perfectly!

Do you travel or are you stationary?

The RV will mostly be stationary at our cabin, but we do hope to do a few trips with her as well:)

How would you describe your decorating style?

I would describe my decorating style as neutral modern farmhouse flair. I love whites, neutrals, and a whole lot of texture, with some classic farmhouse features such as shiplap and wallpaper.

What are you most inspired by?

I seriously get so excited when I have to have a budget to work with. That in and of itself is inspiring to me! It’s a fun creative challenge to see how much bang I can get for my buck without sacrificing style.

Where’s your favorite place to shop for décor?

We live quite far from a lot of stores, so most of my product is bought from amazon, target, or TJ Maxx online. I love that all decor can be at our fingertips and we don’t have to hunt everything down.

How long did the renovation take?

I did the majority of this renovation within a couple of weeks. We bought the camper so we could live in it as we renovated our cabin, and then to use as overflow once the cabin was done. I wanted to use it when It was actually “cute” and not just have it remodeled for our guests. I was motivated to get it done so we could use it longer.

How much did it cost?

I spent just under $500 on the renovation.

What was most challenging about your renovation?

Tight spaces are always challenging. I would have to take breaks after a while because I would start to get a bit claustrophobic. Other than that, I really enjoyed the whole process of taking something used and outdated and making it fresh and modern.

What project made the most difference?

paint, paint, and more paint. I have always believed in the power of white paint, but I’m still blown away every time at the results. It opens a space up, makes it feel clean, and gives it an instant facelift.

Do you have any future projects or changes planned for the interior?

This renovation is done! We didn’t want to spend much money on it since we invested in a cabin, so besides upkeep, nothing much will be changing, besides some decor, because I”m constantly changing decor:)

What piece of advice would you give someone just starting a camper renovation?

Have fun with it! Get inspiration from others, read what works and what doesn’t. Find products that make a big bang. And most importantly, just start. People are so afraid and my biggest advice is all you can do is try!

What’s your favorite aspect of tiny living?

I love having our family close together. I love that a little goes a long way. and I love that we can still create a retreat without large square footage.

What’s your least favorite aspect?

That it gets messy fast:) Especially with 4 kids. If you don’t stay on top of the bed making and picking up, the square footage seems to envelope you quickly.

What’s something you’ve learned since buying the camper?

I’ve learned that so many precious moments happen when we are living tiny. I’m more in tune with my family. That you don’t need much to be content, and that things aren’t all there is. We need people to share them with.

Are there any places you’re excited to explore?

We are excited to check out state parks! To see Gods beauty and be able to make a weekend out of it.

Do you have any go-to product sources?

Simply White by Benjamin Moore is my favorite white paint color.

Thank you so much, Allie, for showing us what can be accomplished when you mix creativity with smart design decisions and perseverance!

Tour this budget-friendly farmhouse camper that was transformed for $500 by Proverbs31Girl! Featured on MountainModernLife.com

Follow Proverbs 31 Girl!

Follow Allie on Instagram, where you can watch the highlights of her camper renovation, and see what this mama is up to. You can also check out her website where she goes into detail about the products used in this reno, shares photos of their home and lakeside cabin, and includes DIY and decorating tips.

Interested in being featured on Design Vibes?

Submit your RV renovation here! 

Find additional RV inspiration from our Design Vibes series here.


  1. If you’d have said that cost $5,000 i’d Have been impressed but $500 wow!!!! Stunning job!

  2. What size is your camper? We have a 21″ camper and i would love to do what you did! Your renovation is absolutely stunning!

  3. I am in the middle of remodeling, and I absolutely love your design. Thanks for sharing. Where did you get the couch mattresses from?

      1. I’m also wanting to know about the floors and this link goes to a place that says to check back later because updates are being worked on. Is there another place that I can view this info?

  4. Could you please tell me the name of the wallpaper and where to get it?
    Thank you

    1. I have the same wall paper and bought it on Amazon. I’m sure you can order it other places as well 🙂 Its called NuWallpaper NU2459 Folk Tulip Neutral Peel & Stick Wallpaper

  5. What color paint did you use on the walls and benches? Also where did you get all the throw Pillow 🙂 its goRgeous!

    1. Hi Kelly, It looks like the wallpaper in their camper is actually part of the luan plywood vs. an actual wallpaper that you’d want to remove. So I’m guessing she just painted over it. You can learn more about their reno on their website or Instagram page:


      Or we have a post about painting an RV interior that you may want to check out:


  6. I would love to know what type of paint you used, wallpaper, and tile (floor and wall)!! Beautiful job!

  7. Beautifully done ! I have very siMilar Taste. We are buying a 2006 rv and it DESPERATELY needs a makeover . Did tou put anything in the walls before painting or wallpapering?
    Thanks for your response

  8. I don’t know how you did the remodel on $500. I have basically followed your concept and spent about $1000. I have the same camper too. I needed twice the time in the bathroom for the walls. The wallpaper i picked was actually less expensive than the $49 per roll that you used. I found less expensive options to the adhesive table/ counter cover AND was able to skip a few things due to the condition of my camper. I hope people know it’s not that inexpensive to do this remodel.

    1. Hi Lori,

      This reno belongs to Allie from proverbs31girl.com. I believe the reason she was able to do everything on such a tight budget is that she used leftover materials from their home and cabin reno, and then did the work herself. I know not everyone will be under these same circumstances, but it’s nice to see that by using what you have and reupholstering the items yourself, you can definitely save some money.

      I’d love to see photos of your reno when you’re done!


  9. Where did you get the wallpaper and do you remember the color or name? I’m in love!

  10. We had an older camper for overflow as well – sitting in the woods near us. But I can’t keep mice out of it. Solution? (other than a cat!) Have you experienced the same? 🙂

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