Wanna make money on the road? Blogging has changed our lives in so many ways, and I even wrote a free eBook about it, which you can download at the bottom of this post. It’s the reason we’re able to travel in our RV, do what we’re passionate about, and earn a living. There are weeks we put in well over 40 hours, and weeks we barely work at all, yet the passive income has continued to roll in. This is all thanks to the time we’ve invested in this blog, which is our business.
I’m far from being a “perfect blogger”, I have a massive to-do list of what I could be doing, and it certainly hasn’t been easy, but starting this blog was the best decision I ever made. And it was by accident!
Random Fact: Did you know this blog was originally called “Upcycled Treasures?” We re-branded in 2015 to Mountain Modern Life because we wanted a blog name we could grow into. I made the sign below a couple years ago, which we currently have in storage since it was too big and heavy to bring in the RV. We decided to hold onto it because we don’t want to forget where this blog started.
You see, I started blogging 4 years ago and my husband was able to quit his job in 2015 to help me maintain it. We now work alongside one another and are able to experience a deeper sense of joy and gratitude. It has nothing to do with how much we make, or what we own, but it stems from the freedom we have of being able to create the life we want to live, on our own terms. Some days I feel like I need to pinch myself.
Blogging has changed my life. Actually, it’s changed our lives. It’s crazy when I think back to when I first started and see the transformation that has come about. And I’m not just talking about the environment we’ve created through a list of DIY projects, but an inner transformation that has allowed us to dig deep and realize our inner passions.
If you’re thinking about starting a blog, or even if you’ve never given it much thought, I’m here to tell you why it may just change your life.
And I’m not talking about all those posts you see on Facebook about making $25-50k a month, although this is possible and I do have blog buddies that come pretty close.
Yes, you can absolutely create a thriving business from blogging, but there’s so much more to it than that.
Over the past few years, I’ve struggled with the idea of sharing why or how you should start a blog. I felt like there were so many resources out there that I didn’t know if there was space for my story.
It’s a little odd considering I now know everyone has a voice, and there’s more than plenty of room for everyone, but nonetheless that was the excuse I gave. Deep down I just didn’t know where to begin with sharing the why or how we started blogging.
The truth is, part of me was embarrassed about the real beginning.
Once I realized it was fear that was preventing me from sharing our story, I knew it was time to do just that.
I hope that our journey will inspire you in some way. Who knows, maybe starting a blog could change your life too. Maybe you‘re the person I’m meant to reach. Maybe you’ve been toying with the idea of starting a blog but you don’t know how to get started or you’re unsure if you should since there are so many other bloggers already out there.
The truth is, everyone has their own voice and you have a purpose in this life, so why not share the gifts you have with others and learn more about yourself along the way?
Thinking about starting a blog, here are some resources to get you started!
5 Things to consider before creating a blog
How to start a blog in less than 10 minutes
My favorite blogging resources
Download my FREE eBook to read about why starting a blog could change your life, only not in the way you’d expect:
Download my FREE Blogging Brain Dump Worksheet 1:
Download my FREE Blogging Brain Dump Worksheet 2:
If you have any questions or comments you can contact me here, I’d love to hear from you!